Policies and Procedures

Policies & Procedures

Professional Development Program Policies & Procedures

Child Care Solutions, Inc. has established the following procedures and safeguards to protect both the agency and individuals / child care programs seeking to participate in our professional development courses.

Class Registration: We offer a number of different ways to register & pay for classes to meet your needs. A completed registration form for each person along with payment must be received at least two (2) business days prior to the date of the class. Space is limited in some classes; we highly recommend advance registration. Registration is not accepted without payment. We accept MasterCard, Visa, and Discover credit cards only. Returned checks will be assessed a $25 fee. Payment will not be accepted at the door; you will be invoiced for the training plus an additional $5 walk-in fee. Your training certificate will be mailed after receipt of payment.

Email Address: It’s important to include your current email address with your registration form. Once registered for a class, you will receive an email confirming your registration, and a reminder one week before the training is scheduled to take place. You may opt-out of email messages from Child Care Solutions at any time. If you no longer wish to receive email messages from Child Care Solutions, please send an email to with “Unsubscribe” in the subject line.

Financial Assistance: You may be eligible to receive funding for training through either the Educational Incentive Program (EIP) or the CSEA / VOICE Professional Development Program. Visit the “Financial Assistance for Training” section of our website to learn more about these programs, including eligibility requirements and how to sign up.

Attendance & Withdrawal: If you have registered and paid for a single session training and cannot attend, please contact us by phone with at least three days’ notice. We can switch you to an alternate class or substitute a different staff member. If an emergency arises that you are unable to attend, your payment can be held for up to 30 days and applied to a different training. If you withdraw from a training that has multiple sessions such as CDA and have used EIP to pay, we will prorate a reimbursement to EIP based on the number of sessions attended. After the third session of any multi-session training, no reimbursement will be offered.

Refunds & Cancellations: All fees are non-refundable, except when training has been canceled by Child Care Solutions. Child Care Solutions reserves the right to cancel any training due to low enrollment, inclement weather or any extenuating circumstances. Participants will be notified by phone of the cancellation and offered a refund or an alternate date for the training. If you wish to check on the status of a class, call our Cancellation Line at (315) 446-1220 ext. 324 for the most up to date information.

Training Certificates: Participants who have paid will receive a training certificate at the end of class or mailed one if class is conducted online. Duplicate certificates are free for current Child Care Solutions members and $5.00/each for non-members.

Additional Policies: We are unable to accommodate children during professional development classes and conferences. Photographs may be taken during your class for use in agency marketing campaigns including, but not limited to, the Child Care Solutions’ website and social media accounts. Please alert the presenter if you do not wish to be photographed.